Hawaii has a wealth of native species both above and below the water. Being the most isolated population center on our planet has allowed for unique species of plants and animals to evolve here. Roughly half of the native species (of which there are over 18,000) are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Over 9,000 species of plants and animals that are found nowhere else on Earth. That includes everything from fungus to mammals.
Over the last 200 years, Hawaii has lost 271 different species of plants and animals to extinction. That's over one species every year, lost forever. At this moment in time, Hawaii has over 300 plants and animals on the list of endangered species.
Hawaii is now listed as the endangered species capital of the world. Worth saving? We think so. We selected the island of Maui in the Hawaiian Islands for our base of operations. Maui Nui, which is comprised of 4 islands and 1 islet in the middle of the Main Hawaiian Islands, sitting in a thousand square miles of ocean.
The American Reef Coalition incorporated as a Hawaii marine conservation nonprofit and IRS approved 501(c)(3) organization in June of 2002.
The purpose was to protect one of the most endangered environments on our planet: Our oceans and the living coral reef. We have since revised our mission to include wilderness and natural areas that are experiencing the same stressors as our coral reefs. This allows for a more holistic "Ridge to Reef" approach to conservation.
RIDGE TO REEF CONSERVATION We work on a holistic Ridge to Reef basis. Knowing the interconnectedness of mountains, watersheds and oceans.  ARC Volunteers in the Haleakala Wilderness, Island of Maui
 ARC Diver surveying a coral reef, island of Maui
Here's some of what we do... * ARC removes derelict fishing gear and marine debris from 1,000 square miles of ocean inside the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary and miles of remote island beaches. Globally, marine debris is responsible for killing over 1,000 marine animals a day. Check out our marine debris page. * ARC provides trail maintenance, invasive species removal, information and aid to visitors in the Haleakala Wilderness. The ARC family is part of the founding members of the Kia'i Ala Hele Trail Guardians program with the National Park Service.
* Coral reef monitoring. We have dozens of reefs spanning 3 islands that we monitor for signs of degradation. If caught early enough, the cause can be determined and steps can be taken to return a balanced ecosystem. Check out our monitoring and reef restoration page.
* Invasive species control. By monitoring and controlling invasive species, on land and in the ocean, we help provide balance to ecosystems that have taken thousands of years to establish. * Coral transplant, reef enhancement and restoration. Corals attached to undersea moorings are removed and transplanted to barren areas of reef or artificial reef. Providing living corals a second chance at life and the opportunity to build future habitat. Check out our monitoring and reef restoration page.
* Education, conservation awareness and outreach. We are creating awareness and bringing an understanding of the profound effects of human activity on the planet while providing solutions to those problems and empowering the public with opportunities to be involved in environmental stewardship. Check out our Membership opportunities. * Working as a coalition with other like minded organizations and government agencies, we help others achieve their goals in nature conservation. We are living in a time where every living system on our planet is in the state of decline and it’s all happening at a stupefying rate of acceleration. Scientists are calling it “The Sixth Great Extinction”.
At this particular point in time, you have a choice... Kick-back and watch it unfold, or choose a cause and help save our planet.
There are many ways you can donate to the cause. You can also help us by donating your time. Planning a trip to Maui? Check out our Crew Membership opportunities.
Surf through our website, follow us on facebook, see if you can get behind our projects and help us save the planet, one endangered ecosystem at a time.
 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has". — Margaret Mead
Our Mission: To protect marine resources, wilderness and natural areas through a variety of proven methods and by providing support to other nonprofit organizations and government agencies engaged in marine, wilderness and natural area research, conservation and education. Our Vision: To form strategic alliances with the public, other organizations and government agencies involved in marine, natural area and wilderness conservation and to deliver a greater benefit and value to government, our partners, and the general public. |